Get The Result You Want!
Most of us have have experienced the frustration of others around us not doing it "right" in one form or the other. Often, this is a decision being made in the company, or by the staff, that you don't agree with. Perhaps it is a colleague that isn't willing to see things your way. We often are so attached to the "incorrect" handling of the issue, that it is difficult to move on. This is common and understandable, yet often keeps us stuck dealing with disappointment and misery. However, if you're like me, you realize that after a while, the only person suffering from holding on to this…. is you. Most of the others involved have likely moved on to the next issue. In this situation, I find it useful to ask a few questions of myself, once I'm in a space of calmness and willingness to be creative.
What is the THOUGHT that is making me so upset?
Is there any way that this COULD be good or useful for me?
How do I want to show up as a physician, even when I don't agree?
What part of this can I control?
How could I BEST make a difference in this outcome?
Usually the answers to these questions, help me adjust my attitudes toward those involved. I find I'm more effective at getting the results I want when I realize that the issue I don't agree with, doesn't have to stand in the way of me being effective and offering the best that I can be. This is a key point to understand, realizing that I can get the results I want EVEN in the midst of the current situation that isn't what I would've chosen. It can be challenging because we often take these things personally, rather than figuring out another way to accomplish what we want. My program gives you the tools to make this a reality, while helping you implement them for your INDIVIDUAL situation.
Schedule a call for more information or questions.
Start your Journey Today!
Many doctors love their practice, but feel overwhelmed by their inability to make the ballgames, dinners, or promised events. They feel really frustrated, but think it is simply how it has to be. Don't listen to those who say "this is just how it is in medicine" or "you should've known this is how it would be." I'm here to tell you that it's possible to have both the practice you love AND the life you desire. You can feel accomplished in your practice, as well as planning and enjoying your life outside of medicine. I'm proof this can happen; and I can help you too! So don't wait, let's get started on your journey to being in charge of your own time! Don't keep hoping things will magically change on their own.
Email me with questions or apply for coaching above! ✉️
What Are You Waiting For?
Many physicians are not enjoying the life they worked so hard to attain. They spent years creating this life, yet it isn't living up to their expectations. Sometimes it is hard to admit that things don't feel right, that it isn't what you thought it would be. Adding to the challenge is the feeling that there is nothing you can do about it, you feel stuck, it is all in the hands of someone else, or up to the organization. For some, it might be just one aspect of their practice that they want to change. It could be that one problem you just haven't been able to solve. After years of waiting for other people or circumstances to address my occasional discontent with work, I realized that I was the only one that could change the way I felt about it. A coach showed me how to look at ALL of my thoughts about my job. We tend to focus on the things that we don't like, the things that are causing us pain. Kind of like focusing on the one difficult patient of the day, rather than all of the others! I started with the thoughts that were causing me the most problems, the things that would keep me up at night. I then considered the things I liked about the job, the parts I was grateful for, and why I chose it in the first place. Talking about these with a neutral party was game-changing for me. The coaching tools I used enabled me to take the drama out, and evaluate the entire picture. I was able to see what I wanted, which priorities were most important, and what I wanted to change. The clarity with a plan that aligned with my priorities, brought SO much peace and contentment. This work can help in whatever area you are struggling in. I'm thankful that God has blessed me with work that I love ,and gives me purpose in helping others. If you can relate to any of this, then coaching can help you sort it out. Schedule a call for more information or questions. What are you waiting for?
What Can Coaching Offer for YOU?
One of my favorite colleagues mentioned that he loves what I'm doing for physicians; and referred to it as counseling. I thought it was a great opportunity to clarify what I offer in coaching.
While I highly respect counselors and therapists and the value they provide, the coaching I offer is not traditional counseling. I work with docs that are interested in clarifying WHAT THEY WANT and making their practice and their life look more like they imagined! The docs I work with are already amazing, skilled, and perfectly capable of achieving whatever results they want. They are also human, busy, and have everyday issues that can derail them from their is true for all of us! Having a physician coach lets them get the results they want quicker and with less frustration!
I love being the unbiased, trained voice that can bring up questions, beliefs, and perspectives that may be keeping you from getting what you want. Figuring this out can maximize the joy in your practice.....and your life.
Click the button above to apply for coaching!
Calm in Chaos
If you are a female physician, you likely deal with chaos in your workplace, whether occasionally, or frequently. The chaos can lead to feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. What if you could have a sense of calmness while working in an environment of chaos? Can you imagine being calm and peaceful in the midst of your current work environment? Even more incredible, would be to have that same calmness at home! "How you do anything, is how you do everything," according to Martha Beck; and if you figure out how to have calmness and peace, in one area, it affects the other areas of your life. You may not believe this can happen in YOUR specific situation. I can tell you it is possible! We physicians that feel exhausted at work, can achieve a calmness in the chaos that can enable us to regain a sense of control. You can finish your day without feeling completely exhausted; without feeling like you are starting another shift at home! You can finally go home with energy to give. Don't keep hoping this will just happen, let's get started on giving you more energy and less chaos, BEFORE this year is over. You won't know until you try. Click link in bio to schedule a call, to see how this could work for you.
Click the button above to apply for coaching!
What is The Next Step?
When we sit in confusion, as we ALL do at times.... the one thing we DON'T do is progress toward improving our situation. When this happens for me, I like to use the question... what if I wasn't confused, what if I DID know the next step? What would that be? This can get your brain searching for answers and open for opportunity. This has been really helpful to me in my physician coaching business. There are a million options to try and different ways to approach all of it! But making a decision to start down a path gets the ball rolling. You can always change course if needed, but it is better than staying in confusion. While I realize this can be scary and vulnerable; anything that allows us to progress and grow, has uncertainty and possibly anxiety with it! As physicians, we have been doing this type of learning and progressing our ENTIRE career. Let's not allow confusion or anxiety to halt our plans. We can decide not to be confused AND know that some anxiety is part of the progress.
Click the button above to schedule a free call to stop the confusion, and get on to the results you want.
What Keeps Your Practice Sustainable?
What keeps your practice sustainable? We all put many years into preparing to practice medicine. What we don't spend much time doing is figuring out how to make our practice sustainable. By sustainable, I mean a practice you can enjoy, feel energized about, and not dread each day. A sustainable practice is one that YOU want to continue doing. It is personal to you and won't look like any others. When we are empowered by our work, we are less likely to suffer from burnout and dissatisfaction.
Staying excited and energized about your practice will likely include making changes along the way; like a change in the way you do your schedule, adding an additional service, or new technology that makes your life easier. If you haven't given this much thought, you are missing an opportunity to maximize your experience and skill.
The way we practice is not "one and done." The options are available to you; you aren't stuck! Let's figure out what could be your NEXT STEP to energize your practice.....which ultimately energizes your life!
Click the button above to apply for coaching!
Contentment In Your Medical Practice
Are you content and fulfilled in your current practice situation? If the answer is yes, then CONGRATS to you! If the answer is no, then what are you doing to change it? Maybe you have decided there is nothing you can do, this is just the way it has to be, or you don’t have time to figure it out right now? If this resonates with you, consider the possibility that your practice situation could actually be more lovable! One thing is certain, it won’t get better on its own.
Take a moment to ask the question, what is getting in they way of having the life you want? Many physicians can’t really identify the specific problems, but simply know they are in discontent. They can’t stop long enough to even think about what isn’t working. This is very common and doesn’t mean that your situation can’t improve. It does mean that a coach could help you clarify the main areas of discontent, analyze them, and help you form a plan for the life you want. You might be thinking, I can just figure this out on my own. Quite honestly, if you could do this for yourself, wouldn’t you have already done it? A coach can provide insight and help you accomplish your goals in less time and with less stress. Most of us need help in clarifying the obstacles that are getting in the way of achieving the results we want. The tools and concepts I teach can help clearly identify where you are now, where you want to be, and how to get there. It can happen and you can be content and fulfilled with the life you choose. If you’re ready, let’s go. Click the button to book a call with me You’ve been waiting long enough!
Why do so many women physicians feel like they don’t belong in the field?
Women physicians are leaving medicine at an alarming rate. Some think they just aren’t meant for the field. Some feel that there is something wrong with them; like they somehow slipped through the cracks, that they weren’t supposed to get through medical school, residency, or even be an attending. Others think they just can’t navigate being a doctor AND a mom, wife, or any of the other roles. The majority of physicians have thought these same things at different points in their career, and of course, no one wants to mention it. We assume we are the only ones that feel this way. Let me assure you, you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you. These thoughts are common, and the only thing it really means, is that you are human!
These thoughts, while common, can take the joy out of your life if you don’t recognize and address them. Fortunately, there are tools and techniques that can help you be able to appreciate the amazing physician you are, as well as choosing how you want to navigate your time and your practice.
Today, I specifically want those of you that might be suffering with any of this……to know that it can get better, that there is hope, and you can be the CEO of how you spend your time. Can you imagine once again being able to enjoy practicing medicine? Realize that you can feel that enthusiasm and sense of belonging that you once felt. What if you could grab some of the energy that you felt upon getting into medical school, or matching into residency, or even getting your first attending position? This really can happen for you. I know this to be true because I’ve seen it work for many of my physician colleagues, including myself. Pressures, stressors, and outside responsibilities can all create a clouded picture that can allow us to get distracted. Not addressing these issues with others can cause us to think we are the only ones struggling. Believe me, you are not alone.
There are some physicians that may decide that leaving the profession IS a good decision for them. While this is a choice we all have available to us, the decision should be made from a place of choice and planning, rather than believing there is no other option. You can decide how you want your medical practice to be once you GAIN CLARITY about your current situation AND sift out the way you can get the result you desire. The tools and techniques that I teach, can identify the motivations and obstacles that are currently keeping you from already having the practice you desire. If you could fix this for yourself, you would have already have done so! I didn’t learn this work until I had been practicing many years, and had struggled with some things unnecessarily. I often hear physicians comment on how they wish they had gotten help sooner. While you might be able to eventually figure it out on your own, wouldn’t you rather get your desired result quicker by having someone guide you? What an amazing gift for yourself for the upcoming year, to find the ability to enjoy your practice again, to remove the anxiety about having loans to pay back, and to stop feeling like you aren’t doing it “right”?
Can you also imagine how feeling better about your practice filters into the other parts of your life? This “ripple effect” can extend to your relationships, home life, and self-care. If this resonates with you, click the button to schedule a call! I can’t wait to meet you!
Is life just happening to you?
This comes up for me especially in this time of covid surge. Days can feel long, stressful, and non-productive at times, even as we take care of patients and their families. It seems that one, “code one”, after another is called, as the covid positive patients keep rolling in, each sicker than the last. That out of control, victim mode, is easy to fall into, yet not something I care to stay in. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we have no say or control about what is happening. I like to remind myself and others that while we can’t control circumstances like, sick patients from covid……we can completely control our thoughts and feelings about them. It is my choice to come to work, even though it doesn’t always feel that way. Our brain tells us we don’t have a choice, but this is an error. You always have a choice. You could literally just not go back, not show up. You might say you can’t do that because you would lose your job, and I would agree. However, you choose to do your job because you want the job, the paycheck, and you really do care! So, you choose to go to work! Telling yourself you have no choice leads to a sense of helplessness and no control, which, for most of us, feels horrible. The most interesting part of that is the person that feels the most horrible about that situation, is you. You do have a choice in how you are in any situation; don’t give all your control away to someone else. They may not have your back! The next time you feel that you don’t have a choice in something you are doing……take a moment and ask if that is true. No one can really make us do anything. Even though we may complain, it is our choice 100% of the time. May God bless all of us as we continue to take care of these patients to provide the best, most compassionate and skilled care possible.
Is it really possible to blend your medical practice with the life you want to live?
In training we are taught to work hard, put patients first, and just deal with the any voids in your life because you knew what you were signing up for. The subject of discussing other priorities in your life is simply not welcomed in most arenas inside the medical space.
In training we are taught to work hard, put patients first, and just deal with any voids in your life because you knew what you were signing up for. The subject of discussing other priorities in your life is simply not welcomed in most arenas inside the medical space. We begin to question our decision of medicine AND what that decision means for the other priorities in our lives. Some physicians begin to think there is something wrong with them, they weren’t cut out to be a doc, or no one else has this problem. The truth is that, in general, while most of us do love being a physician, we also have thoughts like this. These issues deserve to be addressed in order to take care of our female physician colleagues.
Women Physicians are leaving medicine at rate that far exceeds our male counterparts, and what would be expected in other fields. The University of Michigan published a study in 2019 that showed as many as 40 percent of women physicians leave their jobs or move to part-time within 6 years of completing residency. Since the pandemic, this has only intensified. Interestingly, in 2019, the medical school classes around the country enrolled slightly more than 50% female students. Can you imagine what the trend will be if we continue to lose our female physicians?
I’ve been practicing medicine for over 25 years and have loved the skill, the colleagues, and the patients. I have also struggled with it, been overwhelmed at times, and tweaked my practice in many ways. What I want my female colleagues to know is they don’t have to give up .medicine in order to have the life they want to live! They do have the option to be the wife, mom, runner, athlete, or whatever other goals, while still practicing the skill they worked so hard to achieve. It took me over 20 years to figure this out, so I’m hopeful that it won’t take you as long. Please know there are strategies and frameworks that can help you achieve whatever result you want for your practice. I want you to have the choice! If you decide leaving medicine is really what you want, then you have every right to do so. However, why not learn these tools that make it possible to let it be your choice, and not just the result of exasperation. I see so many women physicians that are frustrated, overwhelmed, and feeling unsure of how to fix this. I love helping them begin to see the hope, joy, and satisfaction in blending it all together in a way that works for their individual situation. Back to the original question, “Is it really possible to blend your medical practice with the life you want to live?”, Absolutely! Let’s go!