Life Coach for Women Physicians
You CAN live the life you want, while practicing medicine in the way you choose!

40% of female physicians go part time or leave medicine within 6 years after residency.
I know how it feels…
As women physicians, we have a lot of different areas to focus on and excel in, to keep our professional and home lives the way we want….the way we imagined.
Some physicians, even seasoned professionals, will tell you that it isn’t possible to have the life you dreamed about, while practicing medicine!
Truth is, you don’t have to choose one over the other, we were made to be compassionate, skilled physicians that also desire all of the other experiences available in this life. God made us human first, then blessed us to be able to care of patients. It’s normal and doable to desire to experience this life in all the ways. Physicians that are well-rounded and living enriched and full lives, offer more compassion for their patients that deal with many of the same hopes, joys, and disappointments in this life.
In the early days of my career as a board-certified anesthesiologist, I found myself excited to start both my first practice and give attention to parts of my life that I had delayed for years, like starting my own family and having kids.
I thought once I was an attending, my career and personal life would kind of “fall into place.” I mean, there hadn’t been much time to think about how this would come about. It certainly wasn’t a topic broached during training or with any of my newfound colleagues. The emphasis was always on getting to the goal, becoming an attending; and basically no discussion on the endeavor of other goals, relationships, commitments, or interests. Fitting this all together did not initially come easily for me, or many of my colleagues. It was also difficult to admit that it wasn’t what we thought! So, we “suffered in silence”, rather than figuring it out together!
Since finding, and studying the coaching tools that have enabled me to realize I could have the kind of practice I wanted AND the life I desired, I enjoy all of it so much more! I am now able to be content, peaceful, and richly fulfilled in my life, as it evolves! I thank God for allowing me to understand and practice the principles that made me a better physician, mom, and wife. My life isn’t perfect, but I love it and fully understand that I am a work in progress, and that is ok! In fact, that is part of what makes it exciting and sustainable!
Being able to enjoy your work, while having it fit into the life you want is an art and a gift. One of the things I enjoy most is helping other women physicians find this peace and contentment in their own lives. Helping them realize they aren’t stuck, they don’t have to be miserable, and they can have a meaningful, enjoyable career…..with the kind of life they imagined.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, don’t wait years to figure it out.
Through my coaching program I can help you clarify what you want and curate a plan to get the results you desire. You may doubt that this could work for your situation; that’s a normal thought, but not true. Give yourself the gift of believing this is possible for you too.
You may feel fine about many parts of your life, yet not able to do that ONE THING you’ve been struggling with for years….That one thing that keeps coming up, keeps you up at night, or the first thing you think as you wake up.
Discontentment with work, burnout, overeating, overdrinking, unsuccessful relationships, uncontrolled temper, or time management are just some of the long term struggles I hear from coaching clients wanting to make a change. They just want a different end result! They want to feel better!
Allow yourself the opportunity to realize you CAN have the life you want. You have worked hard for the privilege to practice medicine, isn’t it worth figuring out how to make it fit in with the life you imagined? Many physicians count down the days until retirement. If you figure out the practice that fits in with the life you want… won’t have to count down the days. It will be sustainable and enjoyable!
Yes, this really is possible and can happen for you, so let’s talk and get you on your way!
Robin is a brilliant life coach! Her soft spoken unshakeable demeanor makes her so easy to talk to about anything. After suffering some life changing tragedies, I felt like I was struggling to achieve even the smallest of goals. Robin asked the insightful questions that really made me think and answer rationally and honestly to her and myself. She gave positive reinforcement that I needed to help me regain my self confidence and achieve some structure back in my life. The techniques and skills that I gained through my sessions with Robin, I still use daily. Robin is amazing and I know that I can schedule a session when/if I ever begin to struggle in accomplishing my goals.
- MG

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